Builder Dad and Builder met today (on Builder Dad's Birthday) to go over house stuff. More copper was cut (like $2 worth- see in first pic) and it requires 4 guys to do probably a couple of $ hundreds $ in labor. "It's a fool who looks for logic in the lobes of the meth-mouth's brain."
Alright... on to more meaningful stuff. Electric inspection has passed. Electricians were out there replacing the damaged cables. The patio lighting has cable chases and looks awesome (pic 2)! The steel patio roof will be finished by Thursday. Egress windows will be moved up a foot or two and out (wider and taller) in order to pass final inspection- they should be there by mid next week (like our temporary windows? A fool would try to get into those!!). The framers will be there tomorrow to finish-up/touch-up. The sidelights next to the front and back doors will need to be replaced since they're not tempered glass (trying to figure out if the Builder or the window company will take the fall on this one).