Nada nuevo! Maybe a few more sheets of sheet rock... but nothing else. Jeez... plumbers are hard to come by these days!! Hope January brings us much more progress than December has!! It would be truly nice to not have to pay rent at two places anymore!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Dang Kids!

Apparently some little hoodlums got BB guns for Christmas and decided to shoot out a few windows on Christmas Day/Night. 3 Windows total- one is already going to be replaced with a tempered window (by the front door), and two of the large windows in the living room. I think we can just replace the panes and not the entire windows... but golly! They're BIG windows!! What a freaking nightmare! My brain keeps saying, "You'll shoot your eye out!!!"
Good news is that the plumber should be out this week and insulation should be done by the 1st. Hopefully that really is the case!!
Looks like we missed our Dec. 23rd deadline for the loan. Hopefully we'll find out soon how much this delay is going to cost us. Add that on top of renting our current house, and you've got yourself a used Miata!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Day before Christmas
We went by yesterday and noticed that someone had filled the bathtubs with water (I'm assuming the inspector had to check them out???). They are filled with water still (and rusting nails)... I feel sorry for the clean up crew. Anyway, there was lots and lots of sheetrock there and not really much else. No gas to the kitchen, no valves moved up, no new tempered glass windows. I'm sure it will happen soon once it does... it's just so hard waiting now that our Dec. 23rd deadline came and went. I can't remember if our extension is for one month or not, but I'm pretty sure our deadline now will be Jan. 23. Merry Christmas!!
Friday, December 21, 2007
News (or lack there of) of the day
There was a man delivering sheetrock today when I drove by. Still no insulation, but when that happens, I'm sure it won't take long. Builder Dad left a message for Builder today (late in the day) and hopefully we'll have some good news around Christmas (not that anything will happen between now and Christmas, but you never know!!). Happy Holidays!!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
So it turns out the last inspection (that I thought was the city) was actually a 3rd party inspection. The City inspector was out there today and PASSED the house!!! Builder says it was the very first house he's ever built that passed inspection on the first try!! Apparently, this inspector is known to be very particular (at least that's what another inspector friend of ours told us). Needless to say, I'm super super super happy!! Next, we need to add a gas line to the kitchen and move the shower controls up. After that, it's insulation baby!! Builder is meeting with the Insulator person this afternoon. Happy Holidays to me!!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Some Ikea pics we took today
We like the cabinets in the first picture, although they'll be a different color.
We are getting the sink for the kitchen in the second picture.
We are getting the stove top and the oven in the third and fourth pictures.
We are doing the boys bathroom similar to the last picture.
These pictures each have something in them that we like or are going to try to incorporate into our kitchen and bathrooms.
We like the cabinets in the first picture although they'll be a different color.
We are getting the sink for the kitchen in the second picture.
We are getting the stove top and the oven in the third and fourth pictures.
We are doing the boys bathroom similar to the last picture.
Some Progress
Today the egress windows were in (must have been installed on Friday or Saturday). Also, the carport roof is basically on (still a little more work there). It also looks like lots of the stuff that failed the city inspection has been fixed - like furring out near the plumbing in the first bathroom (that my dad noticed from the previous pics), adding an X brace in the middle room, adding some extra framing here and there, installing the windows, and more you can see on the picture of the inspection.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
As of 6:30pm tonight
We noticed that the egress windows had been delivered, a few slabs of sheetrock are in the house (maybe leftovers from Builder's other job sites?), and a little of the window framing had been done (or some lumber cut for it--- not really sure). There was no sign of roofing material or any changes to the carport roof. We also noticed an inspection paper on the door... stating mostly the things we already knew... and then a few more things that were beyond our scope of understanding. This calls for another meeting!!
Rain, Roof, and Windows?

Apparently today we're supposed to get the roof on the carport (if it's dry enough--- been raining or muggy for the past few days) and the egress windows finally delivered. Yowzers... this has been two of the slowest weeks I can remember!! We're so ready to be moving into that new house but still need to order the kitchen and bathrooms ourselves. We'll need to be putting them together soon. We had the kitchen all planned out and perfect, but now Builder Dad is trying to convince me to go even cheaper (and ugly in my opinion) so we can afford it and so it's faster to put up. He's also planning on it being taken out eventually and used as an outdoor kitchen or the like. The attached photo if of the Udden kitchen that Builder Dad wants. It's really not that bad, but soooo bachelor-like and flimsy... maybe I can cash in my 401k??? Oh right- I don't have one. Maybe some stocks?
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
Strange Things A-Happenin'
Builder came to the house today to meet an inspector only to find the front gate chain cut and the front door kicked in. After further inspection, he saw that a fire had started on the kitchen (where the fridge is to go) floor. Apparently, an electric switch box was melted too. This could not have been an electrical failure as the electricity is not hooked up to the house yet. There were no campfire signs, no broken windows, no foul play found at all. My theory is that someone left a cigarette in the electric box (why, I don't know) and the embers finally combusted and started a small fire. We are so lucky that someone notified the fire department and it was extinguished before too much damage occurred. What a crazy thing!!
Also, the steel roof for the patio was delivered Friday, is the wrong size, and will have to be re-delivered this week. Tick Tock Tick Tock.
No pictures yet... will post if I go by this evening.
Also, the steel roof for the patio was delivered Friday, is the wrong size, and will have to be re-delivered this week. Tick Tock Tick Tock.
No pictures yet... will post if I go by this evening.
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