Our luck- the city was finally patching up the street today where they moved the gas lines and said they were done. The plumbing lines will start Aug. 27th. So we have to get this house built in a couple of weeks. Guess what? Tomorrow there is a tropical storm coming through and weather.com is predicting 100% chance of thunderstorms. Man, give us a break!! Pictured here is our lot WITH the city's gas line tubing on it. The city workers saw me taking pictures of it and swiftly ran over to get it out of our yard. Good thinking boys- we do have a lawyer, we aren't Public Storage, and I'm getting to be a disgruntled Building Mom. Don't mess with me!!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
City finishing up Gas Lines, 100% Chance Thunderstorms tomorrow
Our luck- the city was finally patching up the street today where they moved the gas lines and said they were done. The plumbing lines will start Aug. 27th. So we have to get this house built in a couple of weeks. Guess what? Tomorrow there is a tropical storm coming through and weather.com is predicting 100% chance of thunderstorms. Man, give us a break!! Pictured here is our lot WITH the city's gas line tubing on it. The city workers saw me taking pictures of it and swiftly ran over to get it out of our yard. Good thinking boys- we do have a lawyer, we aren't Public Storage, and I'm getting to be a disgruntled Building Mom. Don't mess with me!!
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