We met with Builder today (it really helped that we didn't have our Little Builders with us! Thanks T for babysitting!!). We went over so many things, cleared up so many questions, and got so much information. It's great that we got to meet today because there were some miscommunication on the siding (hardiplank vs. hardiboard, etc) and we were able to detail more of the exposed duct work out, get visuals in our heads about the placement of certain things, and determine how things are going to be set up. I didn't take too many pictures because not too much has changed (except the major dirt storms on our street, holes, piles of dirt, and rocks by the city). We're thinking 2 or 3 more weeks and the city will be off of our street and onto the next one. Keeping our fingers crossed. Oh- and here's a picture of what our insulation might look like. Seems pretty effective.