Wednesday, October 3, 2007

News from Builder

The house has pretty much stayed the same for the last few days (and the city still has the street blocked off every other day or so). Builder gave us some news yesterday. Apparently, the plans for the egress windows were wrong and we need to knock out more space for the 3 lower windows in the bedrooms. They must be bigger to conform to code (I guess a large person must be able to escape them in a fire). So, they're figuring that out, getting the framers out again, and ordering different windows. They still haven't moved the long windows down (that are near the sliding glass doors) and that must be done before they'll put up the siding. The AC guy will be out next week, then the electrician (when he comes out, we need to go and meet him to give him very specific information), then the plumber. Builder said within 2.5 weeks, that all should be done. Then we go in and tell them what we want changed with the framing (knock out that door in the master bathroom, replace a few boards, etc). I'm assuming after all of that is changed, etc, we get inspectors out, play the waiting game a bit more, and then get it all approved (or not). I believe the next step from there is the foam insulation and then drywall/tape and float/painting, then kitchen and bathrooms, etc.

Oh- and were you wondering about the carport/patio roof? Builder finally called the company that was supposed to have delivered the T1-11 roof plywood weeks ago. They told him they delivered it. Builder said NO they didn't. Company said, YES we have pictures. They sent Builder the pictures only to find out they delivered it to the totally wrong site. Someone got a great deal there. So now they're back and forth about it and hopefully we'll get some more soon!! After that, the steel roof people will be out to put that on.

I'm assuming after all of that, we'll need the concrete people out again to pour the driveway. I'm not really sure what else I'm missing, but it's possible it will get done by Christmas now (although I probably shouldn't put that in writing--- I am knocking on wood now).

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