Sunday, November 4, 2007

Today's Fortune Cookies

Barely anything has happened in a week... time is money--although I have a lot of time, not a lot of money!! Our family got fortune cookies tonight. I think they were all super. Here they are:

Builder Dad's:
You will move to a wonderful new home within the year. (Praise the Lord!!)

Building Mum's:
Do not give up; the beginning is always the hardest. (This holds true for the house building and my new health/beauty business)

Little Builder #1:
Many pleasurable and memorable adventures are in store for you! (I hope it's not a skate board!!)

Little Builder #2:
Don't be surprised by the emergence of undiscovered talents!! (He's been starting to talk a lot lately)

First time our fortune cookies really meant a lot to us!! Let's hope they all come true!!

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