Monday, December 3, 2007

Strange Things A-Happenin'

Builder came to the house today to meet an inspector only to find the front gate chain cut and the front door kicked in. After further inspection, he saw that a fire had started on the kitchen (where the fridge is to go) floor. Apparently, an electric switch box was melted too. This could not have been an electrical failure as the electricity is not hooked up to the house yet. There were no campfire signs, no broken windows, no foul play found at all. My theory is that someone left a cigarette in the electric box (why, I don't know) and the embers finally combusted and started a small fire. We are so lucky that someone notified the fire department and it was extinguished before too much damage occurred. What a crazy thing!!

Also, the steel roof for the patio was delivered Friday, is the wrong size, and will have to be re-delivered this week. Tick Tock Tick Tock.

No pictures yet... will post if I go by this evening.


Anonymous said...

funny that you say "no foul play found."


Building Mum said...

Yes- I guess you're right... I should have written, "No forced entry". There was definitely foul play... whether it be by teenagers, crack heads, or combustible gases.