Saturday, February 16, 2008

More Kitchen, Bathroom Tile

When we arrived at the house today at 1pm, the tile was already in the master bathroom, and the tiler was doing the guest bathroom. He was done in no time and will be back tomorrow to finish the grout.

Builder Dad and I installed the counter top in the kitchen, cut a hole in it, and placed the cook top in. We also put a few cabinet shelves in and a couple of doors on. We started on the first bathroom by bolting the three cabinets on the wall. Tomorrow we still need to put the counter top on, drill some more holes in the top, and place the sinks on it. I think we'll need to put some more brackets underneath the sink cabinets (as they are just hung on the wall- they have no feet). We may also have to drill into the sink cabinets some more. For some reason, the Ikea sinks don't fit in them without them being a couple of inches away from the back wall... and they're not... so we'll be using the jig saw some more tomorrow!

Little Builder #1 had 1/2 of a birthday today (with Gramma and Papa) and will have his other 1/2 tomorrow with Tita, Papa, and GG. Maybe we can take him out to pick out a video game since the one we bought him didn't work. What a cruddy birthday party for a 5 year old!! At least he got to go to the mall with his grandparents and see a clown!!

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